Pure Gas & Medical mixtures

Medical gases in any type of gas cylinders for hospitals, labs and research Institutes
Production of mixtures for several applications. Pure gases and precise mixtures imported from Linde, Germany. Watch Products

Gases & Mixtures for Food
Gas mixtures for Modified Atmosphere Packaging. Carbon dioxide for beverages.
Fruit ripening with ethylene and carbon dioxide. Gases for creating an inert environment.
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Industrial Gases & Equipment
Industrial gases in any type of gas cylinders.
Gas cylinders in a range of sizes and work pressure. Pressure regulators and flow meters. Transportation and  mobility facilities for cylinders  and devices.
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Chemical for cleaning processes
cleaning products for manual use or by instruments, made in PETROFERM.
Alternatives to substances such as 141b, for the Electronics industries, aerospace, metal, optics and more.
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Compressors & Air Systems

A fast, Qualitative and reliable services for compressed air systems. Imported compressors and dryers from CECCATO, Italy.

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Dupont Refrigerants

Importation of Suva and ISCEON refrigerants.
Consulting services for Freon-22 replacements in existing systems.

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